
EMG DG20 David Gilmour Pre-Wired Loaded Strat Pickguard

EMG DG20 David Gilmour Pre-Wired Loaded Strat Pickguard
EMG DG20 David Gilmour Pre-Wired Loaded Strat Pickguard
EMG DG20 David Gilmour Pre-Wired Loaded Strat Pickguard

EMG DG20 David Gilmour Pre-Wired Loaded Strat Pickguard
THE EMG DG20 IS BRAND NEW. The SA single-coil pickups feature Alnico magnets which give a full round tone with an accentuated mid range. The EMG-EXG guitar expander circuit increases the bass and treble while reducing the mids, perfect for chord definition at higher volumes, while the SPC makes the SAs sing by boosting the mids and turning your single coils into full blown humbucking! Now you can have the same guitar pickups and tone accessories as David, but keep practicing if you want to get to the Dark Side of the Moon. EMG-EXG For flexibility in tone at your fingertips, there is no better choice than the EXG guitar expander. The frequency response of the EXG is similar to normal guitar amp equalization. The lows and highs are boosted while the midrange is dipped out. The EXG is great for creating a fuller tone that doesn’t get muddy, while keeping it clean and clear, letting your guitar stand out in the mix. Complete and ready to mount to your guitar. WE WILL RESPOND TO YOUR QUESTIONS. YOU HAVE BEFORE PURCHASING THIS. DUE TO THE NATURE OF THE PRODUCT BEING REPRESENTED FINAL SALE ONLY. DUE TO THE HIGH VOLUME OF FEEDBACK WE RECEIVE, OUR AUTOMATED SYSTEM WILL LEAVE FEEDBACK ONCE IT HAS BEEN LEFT FOR US. TO THE TERMS OF THIS LISTING. SAVVY STORE OFFERS PROFESSIONAL & PERSONALIZED RETAIL STYLE SERVICE. JUST CHECK OUR FEEDBACK AND COMPLETED LISTINGS. THANKS FOR SHOPPING WITH US! THE SAVVY STORE GROUP OF COMPANIES. H OME & G ARDEN S HOP, A PPAREL D ESIGNER W AREHOUSE. O UTDOOR L IVING E XPERIENCE, F OOD & G OURMET M. M USICAL I NSTRUMENTS B. C ONSUMER E LECTRONICS O UTLET, S PORTS U. A NTIQUE & C OLLECTIBLE C ENTER, B EAUTY B OUTIQUE. P RO A UDIO S PECIALISTS, F OOD & G OURMET M. M EMORIBILIA A UTHORITY, I T’S O NLY R OCK – N – R OLL. P RO V IDEO S PECIALISTS, M AGAZINE & B OOK R. C HINA & D INNERWARE S HOWCASE, T OOL T. V INTAGE G UITAR G ALLERY, G UITAR G. C AMERA & P HOTO W. T OYS & K IDS P LANET, V IDEO G AME C. S OFTWARE C ENTRAL, B ABY B OOMERS. H EALTH & W ELLNESS E MPORIUM. K ITCHEN & A PPLIANCE D EPOT. T RAVEL P AL.
EMG DG20 David Gilmour Pre-Wired Loaded Strat Pickguard
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Stratocaster Vintage AVRI boutique hand scattered wound loaded 5 way pickguard

Stratocaster Vintage AVRI boutique hand scattered wound loaded 5 way pickguard
Stratocaster Vintage AVRI boutique hand scattered wound loaded 5 way pickguard
Stratocaster Vintage AVRI boutique hand scattered wound loaded 5 way pickguard
Stratocaster Vintage AVRI boutique hand scattered wound loaded 5 way pickguard
Stratocaster Vintage AVRI boutique hand scattered wound loaded 5 way pickguard
Stratocaster Vintage AVRI boutique hand scattered wound loaded 5 way pickguard
Stratocaster Vintage AVRI boutique hand scattered wound loaded 5 way pickguard
Stratocaster Vintage AVRI boutique hand scattered wound loaded 5 way pickguard
Stratocaster Vintage AVRI boutique hand scattered wound loaded 5 way pickguard
Stratocaster Vintage AVRI boutique hand scattered wound loaded 5 way pickguard
Stratocaster Vintage AVRI boutique hand scattered wound loaded 5 way pickguard
Stratocaster Vintage AVRI boutique hand scattered wound loaded 5 way pickguard
Stratocaster Vintage AVRI boutique hand scattered wound loaded 5 way pickguard
Stratocaster Vintage AVRI boutique hand scattered wound loaded 5 way pickguard
Stratocaster Vintage AVRI boutique hand scattered wound loaded 5 way pickguard
Stratocaster Vintage AVRI boutique hand scattered wound loaded 5 way pickguard
Stratocaster Vintage AVRI boutique hand scattered wound loaded 5 way pickguard
Stratocaster Vintage AVRI boutique hand scattered wound loaded 5 way pickguard
Stratocaster Vintage AVRI boutique hand scattered wound loaded 5 way pickguard
Stratocaster Vintage AVRI boutique hand scattered wound loaded 5 way pickguard
Stratocaster Vintage AVRI boutique hand scattered wound loaded 5 way pickguard
Stratocaster Vintage AVRI boutique hand scattered wound loaded 5 way pickguard
Stratocaster Vintage AVRI boutique hand scattered wound loaded 5 way pickguard
Stratocaster Vintage AVRI boutique hand scattered wound loaded 5 way pickguard

Stratocaster Vintage AVRI boutique hand scattered wound loaded 5 way pickguard
Mie Music ” Music is Everything “. Custom Hand / Scatter wound Boutique 1982 AVRI White Top / Red or Grey bottom Pickups in a loaded 5-Way pickguard. Demo is shown in my store at the bottom of the page. Premiere Guitar did a article about my guitar builds and Vintage pickups in the APRIL 2023 edition of Reader of the month. The 1982 AVRI has now become the next collectable Stratocaster with prices running 4-10k. These models saved the Fender guitar company during the buyout of CBS at the Fullerton plant. Fender used Plain Enamel 42 gauge, 187 diameter, Alnico 5 Staggered Flat-Top magnets. The first 500 sets had a White Top with Red Bottom bobbin flatware Pickups which make them rare and even more rare Fender also made 200 sets of White Top with Grey Bottom Bobbin Flatware Pickups before changing to the all black Flatware. The specs are all the same on all models. White was the stock factory color pickguard. I build my pickups the old school way. That tone came from Hand Wound Pickups. Not many builders are winding the AVRI pickups. The correct spec Flatware is very hard to come by. Fender in 1998 changed from Plain Enamel to Formvar wire and is still what is used on the current 57/62 pickups. Hand-Wound Pickups/ Loaded Vintage Single Coil Pickguard with Modern upgrades. These Boutique hand / Scattered wound pickups are made and assembled by me in my USA shop. White Top / Red or Grey Bottom bobbin Flatware: The 1982 Fullerton American Vintage Re-Issue 57/62 guitars used 42 gauge Plain enamel wire with 187 diameter Alnico 5 magnets which brings tight bottom end and creamy highs. Tested at 77 degrees and 42% humidity, +/- 5% on a DER EE LCR DE-5000 Meter, this LCR Meter has a USB output that you can save on your PC in Microsoft Excel. 1982 AVRI White Top / Red or Grey bottom Average spec at: NECK: 5.70k-2.45h RWRP Middle: 5.75k-2.40h Bridge: 5.80k-2.40h. So they can Spec at 5.7k to 5.9k. 047 Capacitor: Oil and Paper, Orange drop or Ceramic. POTS: CTS or Fender. Stock Pickguards: White was the stock color for the 82’s but I build many with Mint Green-Black-Red tortoise or Vintage Brown Tortoise. Covers and Knobs: Fender Aged White Complete accessary kit included. New guitar JACK included. 2- I dip the finished bobbin in lacquer. This does 2 things. # 1 This is where 90% of Vintage Fender pickups fail. The coil wire rubbing against the magnets, the lacquer protects against this. # 2 This glues the Flatwork to the magnets, eliminating the use of super glue. 4- I install lead Vintage push back Cloth covered wires directly to the pickups. 5- Perform the initial testing, k ohms, Henries and pf capacitance. 6- Waxing- I use 80% Paraffin and 20% Bees Wax, heated to 140-150 degrees for 10-15 minutes. 7- I wrap the coil with fabric tape for 4 reasons. #2 Helps high gain feedback. #4 Some guitarist while recording will sit in my control room with the AMP in the ISO room, while others like to sit or stand by their amp. I started to notice that most Gibson guitars did not have that high squeal and after checking those guitars they had Fabric tape on their pickups. So I put Fabric tape on a few of my Strats and was floored that this worked and I take the extra step to build all my pickups this way. Back in the 50’s there was no need for it because the AMPS was not as high powered as today’s. NO change in TONE. 8- Perform second round of testing, confirming the correct specifications are met. Then I put the lead wires through the Flatware hole also FLUX / Solder the tiny Start and finish wires for extra protection. 10- Assemble and solder pickguard. I have a 5 way Stew mac Template finished and all I have to do is solder in the pickups you choose to the pickguard you choose. I also need to know how you would like your 5-Way wired. I been playing Strats for over 50 years and have a pretty good idea of how a Vintage Strat should sound. 80% of the Strat players are ok or happy with their tone. Now for those 20% picky players they also know what to do with that vintage tone. I also need to know your preference on your 5-Way switch. Option #1: Tone 1: NECK ONLY, Tone 2 Middle and Bridge… Tone 1 Neck and Middle, Tone 2 Bridge only. This is the 2 most popular setups. These pickups are hand made one at a time, by me in my small USA Shop. I use USA Remington Wire and have made my pickups as affordable as possible, using the highest quality parts from USA suppliers. My pickups have that true Vintage tone that only fine made hand /scatter wound pickups can bring. All my pickups are Vintage spec’d to the correct pre CBS or early CBS years. My pickups are made to last, and come from the result of listening to my vintage guitar collection, and taking apart a bucket full of DEAD FENDER pickups, studying them, painstakingly un-winding them on video and taking very detailed notes. This is how I came up with my proprietary way of hand winding my pickups. I started BETA testing in 2020 on every kind of neck and body wood made. Plus I tested on Tube and solid state amps, pedals, digital devices, and software in my recording studio mie music, that I opened in 1999 with fantastic results. I have built numerous partcasters, and have installed my pickups, and they are highly comparable to my vintage collection. I only specialize in single coil Stratocaster Pickups. The work has been done, so install, and you will have complete NIRVANA for recording and playing live. MIE MUSIC ” Music is Everything “. Thank you for supporting a small USA Company.
Stratocaster Vintage AVRI boutique hand scattered wound loaded 5 way pickguard
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920D Hot Heavy HH Strat 5Way Tortoise/Gold Loaded Pickguard Roughneck Humbucker

920D Hot Heavy HH Strat 5Way Tortoise/Gold Loaded Pickguard Roughneck Humbucker

920D Hot Heavy HH Strat 5Way Tortoise/Gold Loaded Pickguard Roughneck Humbucker
This Listing Is For a. 920D Custom Hot & Heavy HH Strat 5 Way Tortoise / Gold Loaded Pickguard Roughneck Humbucker. Our HH Loaded Pickguard for Stratocasters has everything you need to give your guitar a massive upgrade. Everything – including the pickups – is pre-wired and ready to go. Need a humbucker that will blow the front end out of your tube amp – like it was kicked in with a size 14 steel-toed boot? Want to make your axe so awesome that it will need a warning label? Want something that’ll fuse instrument cables to the stage? Do you need a humbucker that slice and dices like a Ginsu knife? What do they sound like? They’re the highest output pickups we offer. They’re hotter than hell. 2 -920D Custom Roughneck Humbuckers. Cut In-House Custom Pickguard. 3 – Matching Skirted Knobs.
920D Hot Heavy HH Strat 5Way Tortoise/Gold Loaded Pickguard Roughneck Humbucker
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920D Generation Loaded Pickguard 5 Way Switch for Stratocaster -Cream/Cream

920D Generation Loaded Pickguard 5 Way Switch for Stratocaster -Cream/Cream

920D Generation Loaded Pickguard 5 Way Switch for Stratocaster -Cream/Cream
This Listing Is For a. 920D Generation Loaded Pickguard 5 Way Switch for Stratocaster – Cream / Cream. This offering is the culmination of 15 years of learning and work. With a thick single-ply black pickguard, a recessed mini toggle for seven-way switching, and pickups designed to perfectly emulate the tone that shaped the sound of rock, this is sure to take you to the dark side of the moon and beyond. Based off of the iconic Black Strat®, the tone from our Generation Loaded Pickguard is astonishingly familiar. By recessing the mini toggle, you will never accidentally engage / disengage your “neck on” mod. This guard looks great and sounds even better. We’re very proud of the work we did to develop everything that goes into this Loaded Pickguard, and when you have it loaded into your favorite Stratocaster®, you’ll completely understand why. 1 – Single Ply Pickguard. 3 – Skirted Knobs. 3- 920D Generation Pickups. 3 – 920D Custom 450G Series 250k Pots. 1 – Genuine CRL USA 5-Way Switch. 022? F Organge Drop Capacitor. 1 – Pure Tone Output Jack. 920D Custom Signature Wiring by Gavitt Wire.
920D Generation Loaded Pickguard 5 Way Switch for Stratocaster -Cream/Cream
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920d Custom Gold Foils 5 way Loaded Pickguard for Strat Guitars Black-White

920d Custom Gold Foils 5 way Loaded Pickguard for Strat Guitars Black-White

920d Custom Gold Foils 5 way Loaded Pickguard for Strat Guitars Black-White
920D Custom Gold Foils Pickups 5 way Loaded Pickguard for Strat Guitars Black-White. Gold Foils Loaded Pickguard for Stratocasters. Have you ever been physically attracted to an inanimate object? They’re simply some of the best looking and sounding single coils on either side of town. Inside you is two musicians. One wants to look fabulous. The other wants to sound fabulous. For once, feed them both something other than cargo shorts, Ramen, and PBR. We use AlNiCo V magnets and overwind our pickups to provide some extra kick. Extra touches of quality are evident, with bobbins made of fiber rather than plastic, wrapped windings, and a cloth-wrapped, instead of vinyl, output lead wire. The metal covers on our Gold Foils make them ever so slightly warmer than our famous Texas Vintages. 3 – 920D Custom Gold Foil Pickups. 3 – Matching Skirted Knobs. Gavitt Vintage Cloth Wire. 1 – 920D Custom 11-Hole, 3-Ply Pickguard. 1 – 920D Custom Wiring Harness. 1 – Matching Switch Tip.
920d Custom Gold Foils 5 way Loaded Pickguard for Strat Guitars Black-White
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HSH Loaded Prewired Pickguard Wilkinson WVC Alnico5 Pickups Coil Split for Strat

HSH Loaded Prewired Pickguard Wilkinson WVC Alnico5 Pickups Coil Split for Strat
HSH Loaded Prewired Pickguard Wilkinson WVC Alnico5 Pickups Coil Split for Strat
HSH Loaded Prewired Pickguard Wilkinson WVC Alnico5 Pickups Coil Split for Strat
HSH Loaded Prewired Pickguard Wilkinson WVC Alnico5 Pickups Coil Split for Strat
HSH Loaded Prewired Pickguard Wilkinson WVC Alnico5 Pickups Coil Split for Strat
HSH Loaded Prewired Pickguard Wilkinson WVC Alnico5 Pickups Coil Split for Strat

HSH Loaded Prewired Pickguard Wilkinson WVC Alnico5 Pickups Coil Split for Strat
The surface of the product is covered with a film to prevent scratches and damage. Please remove the film before installing the product on the guitar. Place of Origin :China Factory OEM. N 7.75 K ; M 9.18 K; B 14.55 K. Hole distance : N:50mm M:50mm B:52mm. Scope of use :Suitable for most FD guitars. Difficulty Of Use:Installation Is Very Simple. 1X 3-ply Guitar Pickguard. 1X Single coil pickups. 2X WK Gold alnico v humbucker pickups. 3X CTS potentiometer 1V2T (Copper Shaft). 4X Cut Single Toggle. 1X CDE Orange 473 400V/200V Caps.
HSH Loaded Prewired Pickguard Wilkinson WVC Alnico5 Pickups Coil Split for Strat
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920D Texas Grit Strat Guitar Blender 5 Way Loaded Pickguard Mint Green / Cream

920D Texas Grit Strat Guitar Blender 5 Way Loaded Pickguard Mint Green / Cream

920D Texas Grit Strat Guitar Blender 5 Way Loaded Pickguard Mint Green / Cream
This Listing Is For a. 920D Custom Texas Grit Strat Guitar Blender 5 Way Loaded Pickguard Mint Green / Cream. Texas Grit Loaded Pickguard for Stratocasters. Stratocaster SSS Loaded Pickguard – with Texas Grit Pickups. Our Texas Grit Pickups are a step up in output, from our Texas Vintage Pickups however, they retain all of the fabulous tone that make our Texas Vintages so special. Texas Grit pickups offer increased output, sparkling highs, tight bass and a smooth, warm tone. Your new 920D Custom S5W-BL-V wiring harness features a 250K master volume, a 250K master tone, and a 250K “no-load” blender pot. 2 – 920D Custom 450G Series 250K Pots by CTS. 1 – 920D Custom “No Load” 250K Pot by CTS. 1 – Genuine CRL USA 5-Way Switch. 022 Premium Oil-Filled Tone Capacitor. 1 – Pure Tone Output Jack. 920D Custom Signature Wiring by Gavitt Wire. Bridge / Middle / Neck.
920D Texas Grit Strat Guitar Blender 5 Way Loaded Pickguard Mint Green / Cream
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920D Custom Texas Growler Loaded Pickguard for Strat With Black Pickups, Whit

920D Custom Texas Growler Loaded Pickguard for Strat With Black Pickups, Whit

920D Custom Texas Growler Loaded Pickguard for Strat With Black Pickups, Whit
See all eligible items. (United States Orders Only). 920D Custom Texas Growler Loaded Pickguard for Strat With Black Pickups, White Pearl Pickguard, and S5W-BL-V Wiring Harness. No judgement here – If you like pre-amp blasting, bull riding, fist fighting, face bashing, eardrum crushing, hairy knuckle atomic bombs for pickups, you’re in the right place?? . Our spiciest single coil Strat pickups, Texas Growler’s deliver the utter power needed for everything from Punk to Rock to Blues to Hillbilly bar brawling. You’ll find a powerful, clean, full sound, with noticeably less 60-cycle hum than other high power pickups, due to their stacked coil construction. 920D Custom Texas Growler Strat Pickups are another step up in output from our Texas Grit Strat Pickups. If you think your Strat has room in the control cavity for the ultimate set of huevos grandes, hang a hairy set of these muchachos in there.
920D Custom Texas Growler Loaded Pickguard for Strat With Black Pickups, Whit
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920D Texas Grit Strat Guitar Blender 5 Way Loaded Pickguard Cream / Cream

920D Texas Grit Strat Guitar Blender 5 Way Loaded Pickguard Cream / Cream

920D Texas Grit Strat Guitar Blender 5 Way Loaded Pickguard Cream / Cream
This Listing Is For a. 920D Custom Texas Grit Strat Guitar Blender 5 Way Loaded Pickguard Cream / Cream. Texas Grit Loaded Pickguard for Stratocasters. Stratocaster SSS Loaded Pickguard – with Texas Grit Pickups. Our Texas Grit Pickups are a step up in output, from our Texas Vintage Pickups however, they retain all of the fabulous tone that make our Texas Vintages so special. Texas Grit pickups offer increased output, sparkling highs, tight bass and a smooth, warm tone. Your new 920D Custom S5W-BL-V wiring harness features a 250K master volume, a 250K master tone, and a 250K “no-load” blender pot. 2 – 920D Custom 450G Series 250K Pots by CTS. 1 – 920D Custom “No Load” 250K Pot by CTS. 1 – Genuine CRL USA 5-Way Switch. 022 Premium Oil-Filled Tone Capacitor. 1 – Pure Tone Output Jack. 920D Custom Signature Wiring by Gavitt Wire. Bridge / Middle / Neck.
920D Texas Grit Strat Guitar Blender 5 Way Loaded Pickguard Cream / Cream
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