Upgrade your Stratocaster today with this amazing hand solder custom harness. Each one is hand made with 15 year of experience. Included in each SBT Strat “custom” set. 3 large CTS 250K High quality Audio Pots, (split shaft) with Nut, Dress Washer. 1 Treble bleed mod. Gives you more uniform tone from 1 to 10, and a more rounded sound at low volume. 3 Vintage hand wired style Alnico V. Get that super warm Strat tone you have been looking for. Hearing is believing once you put my pickups in your guitar you will not want to put it down. 6.1k 6.5K7.1K. 1 switch crafted input jack Vintage style push back black (ground) and wire (hot) cloth covered wires, 22 gauge, input jack does not come soldered to the volume pot. Will have to solder when installed. This model will fit 11 hole Fender/ Squire Strat, please feel free to ask any additional questions. Not comfortable soldering up your guitar? No problem I offer solderless version so all your need is a screw driver and wire strippers to install your new harness. Please feel free to ask Questions I do make custom order. James from Ohio – Hello! It sound so warm in the clean channel and with so much bite on the drive channel of my Boss Nextune Stage amp! Wow what a combination. I promise I will let all my guitar player friends where I bought this. Finally I found the sound I was searching for the past couple of years! This pick guard put my guitar head to head with any American Strat! Really happy to make business with you!