From a Fender Stratocaster Masterbuilt Josefina Hand Wound 60/63 Loaded Pickguard. These are possibly the most coveted of the Josefina / Fender Custom Shop Masterbuilt loaded pickguards ever wired up. You get the exact loaded pickguard that was wired and mounted at the Custom Shop and then removed for sale. Every pot, capacitor, switch, wire, solder, and bit of masking tape are 100% Fender Custom Shop, as are these very special and rare pickups by the renown master builder, Josefina Campos. Glassy yet throaty, these have been often copied but never duplicated. The Masterbuilt team at the Custom Shop know how to pull off this homage to a classic 60’s Strat! This cannot be bought from Fender and comes adorned only on the most elite guitars coming from the Masterbuilt Team at Fender.