Rock’n R Guitars LLC Custom Shop. Loaded Mint Green Floyd Rose HSS Pickguard for Strat. 7-Way Switching (Gilmour Mod), Split Tone, Coil Split. Guitar Madness Hot High Output 1984’s Pickups. StewMac Branded CTS Potentiometers = Better Quality/Better Tolerances. Fits Strats with Floyd Rose Bridges. Protective Plastic Film Still on Pickguard. Requires a Minimum of 1-3/8 depth in control cavity. 1 Set Guitar Madness Hot High Output 1984’s (Cream). 1 3-Ply Mint Green Copper Shielded Floyd Rose HSS Pickguard. 1 Oak Grigsby 5-Way Switch. 1 Mini Toggle Switch. 1 CTS 500K Potentiometer (Volume Pot). 1 CTS 250K Potentiometer (Neck & Middle Tone Pot). 1 CTS 500K Push/Pull Potentiometer (Bridge Tone & Bridge Coil Tap). 047uf Capacitor (Neck and Middle Tone Cap). 022uf Capacitor (Bridge Tone Cap). 1 Treble Bleed Orange Drop. 001uf Cap W/150Kohm Resister. 2 Cream Single Coil Covers. 3 Cream Strat Knobs. 1 Cream Switch Knob. 7-Way Switching: The Pickguard is equipped with a mini toggle switch. When the 5-Way Switch is in the Bridge Position the Neck and Bridge Pickups are Active. In the Middle/Bridge Position, All Pickups are Active. This is sometimes called the Gilmour Mod. Named after David Gilmour of Pink Floyd Fame. When the 5-Way Switch is in the Middle/Bridge Position, both Tone Pots are Active allowing you to blend the tone of the two Pots. And, because this has 7-Way Switching, there are even more blending options. A very nice option indeed! A Treble Bleed allows the highs to pass through the Volume pot as you roll off the Volume. What this does is keep the Brightness and the Clarity of the pickups the same as you roll down the volume. You have the same clarity and brightness at 10 as you would at 9,8,7,6 and so on. This is a super nice! The Bottom Tone Pot is a Push/Pull Pot. When the knob is pulled up it cuts the coil on the Bridge Humbucker making it a single coil. Perfect for when you want a more traditional Strat sound. Guitar Madness Hot High Output 1984’s. Get that Airy Punchy 80’s Sound. These give a crispy punchy sound you are looking for. The Neck and Middle PUPS have a dual Ceramic Magnet for that extra Percussive sound and extra output. The Bridge is wound just enough to still have a nice organic sound. This is a great way to update your Stratocaster. We only use Top-of-the-Line Components, and that makes all the difference. These pickguards are designed to fit most USA/MIM Strat’s’, full thickness Squier bodies (1-3/4″) and other Strat type guitars with at least 1-3/8″ depth in the control cavity. As in all aftermarket pickguards the pickguard screw holes may be slightly off due to the year of manufacture, model, and plants the guitars were manufactured in. You may need to drill a few new screw holes in your guitar body to line up with the Pickguard screw holes.