Fender Stratocaster HOT ROD Loaded Pickguard. GG USA is a professional Stratocaster custom Hot Rod design shop. Search for Gombrelli Guitars. Custom Designs: Can be ordered from Stratocaster Design Website. We currently have roughly a 2 week backlog but can assist with custom designs right away. This one is off the charts fun. This pickguard has both Series and Parallel switching, plus a tuned Treble Bleed (that works perfect) and a Bass Tamer (tuned), and can even run in stock mode! See our website for many different designs and LOTS of Stratocaster info, we are the REAL thing and you get a unique. This pickguard is also NOISELESS! See the You Tube Video of this exact pickguard! CTS Brass Shaft Full Back 500K Volume Pot. CTS Brass Shaft Push Pull Bass Tamer (tuned). Bourns Brass Shaft Push Pull. Seymour Duncan Stack Plus (stacked coil). Fender SCN Noiseless Bridge. Fender SCN Noiseless Neck. QUADSTAR GT NOISELESS WIRING. 022 Precision Axial Poly Mylar Cap. Bass Control Tone 1. Master Treble Tone 2. Push Pull for quad coils (tone 1). Push Pull for Parallel Coils (tone 2). Fully bench AND Stratocaster tested. See Build Sheet for all measured values and switching. Comes with GG USA documentation. Comes with Install Guide. Comes with Certificate of Authenticity. Both Series, Parallel and Series//Parallel combination circuits. Custom Design and wired by Bruce Gombrelli of Gombrelli Guitars USA. SEE BUILD DETAIL sheet in the images for switching and measured values. All switches off and pots on full it acts like a stock noiseless Stratocaster with some special features like treble bleed and bass control. All our Stratocaster products go beyond a stock and are hot rodded unless otherwise stated. We use both new and used components to give you multiple price points. All our products are heavily tested. And all our electronics we are are high quality CTS and Bourns components. Many of our pickguards are tested in Stratocasters as well as on the bench. Fit Info: Fits MIM/USA. SQUIER NOTE : This pickguard is Stealth series so it fits most newer Squier Strats and will not work with older shallow older ones. Hard Tail bridge models will not fit this pickguard. Search You Tube for Gombrelli Guitars for many video demos of pickguards and guitars. Stratocaster Design is a Fender Custom HOT ROD Stratocaster Design Shop that specialized in Genuine Fender Custom Limited Loaded Pickguards and Fender Stratocasters with enhanced upgraded circuits. Our Hot Rod circuits are custom hand wired by Gombrelli Guitars USA and tested before leaving our shop. They are designed to give the studio or live player a Stratocaster that is incredibly unique with more control over the tone of your Stratocaster at the source of the sound. We Take Stratocasters Seriously!