2024 FULLY LOADED White Pearl. W/ Chrome Blender Knob. 100% Guaranteed / Fully Tested. FENDER SQUIER STRAT HSS 11-HOLE LOADED PICKGUARD. (must use your pickguard screws). W/ Dan Armstrong Mods. Almost Unlimited sound controls combo’s. Blender knob and Vintage Russian. 22 Master Tone Capacitor. As well as volume bleed kit so the volume is uniform up/down. Bright to incredible warm mids. Check out the video on You tube. Type in exactly as below. This Stratocaster Blender Mod has been around. Just a little pricey. We have done the work for you. AND kept the price down as well. To the bridge and bridge+middle switch positions. If the blender control is full-on, positions 1 and 5 on the. Switch are the same (neck+bridge and bridge+neck). So are switch positions 2 and 4. What makes this mod. Worthy are the tones you get when the blender control is not full-on. If the blender control is on 50%. The combinations are NOT available on a standard Strat wiring set up. Switch positions 1 and 5 are now distinctly different. Switch positions 2 and 4 are also different from each other. Because each now includes 50% of the neck or bridge pickups. With experimentation on your part you will find those sweet spots that have been missing and often require a pedal to achieve. With a few cap (Capacitor) upgrades included and rewiring with classic Cloth wiring this is basically a Dan Armstrong MOD. Plus the treble bleed (cap) added as well to the blender. YOUR third knob is NOW VALUABLE! One of the BEST deals we have ever offered. This is a stock picture.