This Listing Is For a. 920D Custom Texas Growler Loaded Pickguard 7 Way for Stratocasters White Pearl / Black. Stratocaster SSS Loaded Pickguard – with Texas Growler Pickups. No judgement here. If you like pre-amp blasting, bull riding, fist fighting, face bashing, eardrum crushing, hairy knuckle atomic bombs for pickups, you’re in the right place. Our spiciest single coil Strat® pickups, Texas Growler’s deliver the utter power needed for everything from Punk to Rock to Blues to Hillbilly bar brawling. You’ll find a powerful, clean, full sound, with noticeably less 60-cycle hum than other high power pickups, due to their stacked coil construction. 920D Custom Texas Growler Strat Pickups are another step up. If you think your Strat has room in the control cavity for the ultimate set of huevos grandes, hang a hairy set of these muchachos in there. 920D Custom Texas Growler Pickups. Gavitt Vintage Cloth Wire. 920D Custom 11-Hole, 3-Ply Pickguard. 920D Custom Wiring Harness. Bridge / Middle / Neck.